We offer year round individual and group lesson programs for riders of all experience levels starting as early as 5yrs of age. In addition to learning about riding and handling skills, riders will also learn about proper horse grooming and tacking techniques. Our goal is to help riders develop confidence in their abilities both inside and outside the arena
Tiny Trotters Semi-private Tiny Trotter lessons are for children ages 5-8. In this lesson, our youngest riders will assist with grooming and tacking before they ride. After riding, they will help with the untacking process. 1 HOUR 1 LESSON PER WEEK $180.00 PER MONTH
Academy Horse Group Lessons Group lessons are for all ages and experience levels. During the first 30 minutes of this lesson, riders will have the opportunity to learn how to groom and tack one of Majic's academy horses. You will then spend an hour in the arena working at your pace. The last 30 minutes is spent untacking. 2 HOURS 1 LESSON PER WEEK $200.00 PER MONTH
Academy Private Lesson Riders in this lesson will work one-on-one with a trainer/instructor. After grooming and tacking for the first 30 minutes, riders will participate in a 30 minute customized lesson. The last 30 minutes will be spent untacking. 90 MINUTES 1 LESSON PER WEEK $240.00 PER MONTH
Group Lesson With Owned/Leased Horse This lesson includes the same description as the academy group lesson listed above, but is for anyone riding an owned or leased horse. 2 HOURS 1 LESSON PER WEEK $160.00 PER MONTH
Private Lesson With Owned/Leased Horse This lesson includes the same description as the academy private lesson listed above, but is for anyone riding an owned or leased horse. 90 MINUTES 1 LESSON PER WEEK $200.00 PER MONTH
Beginning riders should initially wear long pants and tennis shoes. As lessons progress, we'll be happy to assist riders with finding proper riding attire.